Monday, May 24, 2021

The Umbrella, The Rats, and the Wino


The 1950s ---- A Blast from the Past -- Yes, where I grew up, with a mother raising eight (8) of us, 67 West 108th Street, Apt. 4, New York City, NY 10025; the area was known as Hudson Valley.

My brothers and sisters would kill me when they discover this photo published online.

There are many stories we can pile up about this photo. I will say only one, at least for now. Water always linked from the top, and when you had to go, you had to have an umbrella with you. Not only would you get wet, but from time to time, rats would trip and fall on you, the reason for the umbrella.

That is one of many stories, people that came and went, the friends that disappeared, the winos always looking for that change, adding up to buy the bottle; and one of those winos was my Godfather. I had to be baptized and needed a godfather. My stepfather went out looking for someone to step in so I would be able to be baptized. He found a gentle wino. He became my Godfather, and every time I would come home, I would pretend I did not see him, or I would go all around the block so he would not be able to see me. I was so ashamed of my Godfather... My friends were always goofing on me.

I think about it today, and I feel so ashamed of myself, and I wonder what happened to my Godfather. My family only used him to baptize me, but he took it seriously, proud to be a Godfather, always trying to get my attention, and when he was able to, he would sacrifice his change for his wine, giving me a dollar or some change. At the time, that was a lot of money for people in our position.

I never stopped thinking about him. I do not even remember his name...


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